Feasibility Study


What is a Feasibility Study?

In the complex field of strategic planning, feasibility studies have proven to be the guardians of sound decision-making.

This is a careful consideration and systematic analysis of a proposed undertaking to determine its practicality and feasibility. This critical analysis serves as a fulcrum for making important and consequential decisions.

What is a feasibility study and what are its steps?

A feasibility study is more than a superficial investigation. This is a systematic study that aims to point the way to wise decision-making.

This particular research step unfolds as a choreography of an analytical process that produces a symphony of evaluations to completely reveal the potential success or failure of a proposed initiative.

  1. Project Initiation and Definition
  • Accurately develop project goals and scope.
  • Determination of parameters that will determine subsequent research.
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Carefully gather relevant information from a variety of sources.
  • Use analytical tools to gain differentiated insights from collected data.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • Predictive identification of potential threats and challenges.
  • Develop prudent strategies to mitigate and manage identified risks.
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis
  • Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis.
  • Forecasting revenue streams and verifying financial viability.
  • Reporting and Decision Making
  • Compile results into comprehensive reports.
  • Present insights for rational decision-making.

Feasibility studies are economical

The essence of feasibility studies is the investigation of economic aspects. Examine tax details and subject proposed projects to rigorous economic scrutiny. This aspect of the research serves as a guiding light to guide stakeholders through the maze of financial viability with determined precision.

How to Prepare an Economic Feasibility Study

  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Closely examine costs versus expected returns.
  • Calculate net present value and internal rate of return with accurate precision.
  • Market Analysis
  • Evaluate the size and potential demand of your target market.
  • Identify market trends that may affect economic feasibility.
  • Resource Allocation
  • Allocate financial resources carefully for optimal effect.
  • Ensuring judicious use to maximize economic efficiency.
  • Scenario Planning
  • Forecasting economic scenarios and developing adaptation strategies.
  • Navigate changing conditions with foresight and ensure resilience.

Types of Feasibility Study

Technical Feasibility

  • Questioning technical requirements and their compatibility.
  • Evaluate the adequacy of required resources against demanding criteria.

Operational Feasibility

  • Analysis of consistency with existing operational processes.
  • Identify potential disruptions and develop strategies for seamless integration.
  • Assessment of compliance with legal and regulatory framework conditions.
  • Reduce legal risks and fully comply with applicable laws.

Feasibility Scheduling

  • Evaluate the completion schedule of a proposed project.
  • Identify potential back-ups and ensure a realistic and achievable schedule.

In-depth understanding and differences between each type

Technical Feasibility vs. Operational Feasibility

  • Technical Feasibility deals with the technical aspects and ensures seamless integration.
  • Operational Feasibility checks consistency with existing processes and reduces disruption.
  • Legal Feasibility ensures full compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Scheduling Feasibility navigates the temporal landscape and identifies time-related challenges.

With the complexity of feasibility studies, it is essential to understand the differences between each type. Each type develops unique aspects and contributes to a comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond the superficial and guides decision-makers toward ventures that are not only theoretically feasible but also practically sustainable.

If you are looking for Feasibility study, please contact us to get your proposal:

 1100 388 50 966+
[email protected]