Follow up for Zakat and Tax assessments

Follow up for Zakat and Tax assessments

Ensuring compliance with Zakat and tax regulations is a critical aspect for businesses operating in Saudi Arabia. Business Pillars CPAs offers a comprehensive suite of services to ensure adherence to regulations and avoid penalties.

Key Services Include:

1. Preparation of Zakat and Tax Declarations:

  • Preparing detailed Zakat and tax reports tailored to each client.
  • Reviewing and analyzing comprehensive schedules integrated with the declarations.

2. Submission and Follow-up:

  • Filing declarations via the electronic portal and monitoring payment deadlines.
  • Following up with the authority to obtain the final Zakat certificate.

3. Issuance of Certificates:

  • Assisting businesses in obtaining release letters and required certificates.

4. Responding to Inquiries and Document Review:

  • Handling inquiries from the Zakat authority and providing necessary supporting documents.

5. Ongoing Support:

  • Offering continuous support to keep clients compliant with the latest updates from the Zakat and tax authority.

6. Objection and Appeal Procedures:

  • Assisting in drafting responses to authority assessments and representing clients before objection committees.

7. Zakat Consulting:

  • Reviewing contracts to assess Zakat and tax implications and providing technical advice accordingly.

We recommend contacting Business Pillars CPAs to ensure legal compliance and receive expert advice in Zakat and tax matters, helping you avoid legal challenges.

You can contact us via phone number (0138555565) or mobile number (0503881100), you can also contact us via email ([email protected]), and you can visit us at the office to obtain legal advice.

Contact us

Mobile number

+966 50 388 1100


+966 13 855 5565


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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